


Item out of stock? We'll make it up to you

Thank you for shopping online with us

If one or more of your items was substituted today, don't worry.

We've checked the difference in prices between the substitute items delivered in your shop against the items you initially ordered online.

If you have substituted items that are more expensive and you choose to keep them, you'll be sent a confirmation email.  At the same time you'll see a voucher drop in your online voucher wallet.  This voucher can be used on any future online grocery order within the next 2 months.

Here's how it works...

Step 1

If your shop contains a substitute your driver will let you know

Step 1

You choose whether to keep it or get a refund

Step 1

If you keep your substitute and it's more expensive than the item ordered, we'll email you a voucher for the difference

Step 1

You'll find it in your inbox and voucher wallet from midday the next day

Step 1

Simply tick the voucher in the wallet to apply to your next online shop


Terms & conditions



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