Alcohol free mouthwash

Pick up your favourites from our range of products. Top up your trolley and check out the rest of our toiletries and health range too. Book your collection or delivery slot today.

A good gargle of mouthwash is a great way to round off your oral hygiene routine in the morning and before bed. Discover our alcohol-free mouthwash to avoid the unpleasant aftertaste that comes with alcohol-based mouthwash.

And while you’re here, be sure to check out the rest of our mouthwash range including products specially adapted to improve your gum health, as well as child friendly options.

If you’re serious about maintaining a healthy mouth, ditch your manual brush for an electric toothbrush. They’re much better at removing plaque and bacteria that can linger and cause you problems down the line. Using a proper toothpaste is also vitally important.

Oh, and make sure you floss at least once a day. A good going over with dental floss will help you remove food particles that can get stuck between your teeth.

Underwhelmed with your smile? We can help. Our large range of whitening products can help remove stains from food and drink that can build up over time and leave your smile whiter and brighter than before. So, why not pick up some whitening toothpaste and get going?

And if you’re worried about having bad breath, pick up one of our breath sprays which will keep you smelling fresh while you’re out and about.