Onken Yogurts

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onken yogurts


onken natural set yogurt and onken low fat natural set yogurt.
Onken Naturals
Mild and creamy Onken Naturals made with fresh milk and a unique blend of cultures. Perfect dolloped in all sorts of dishes.
onken vanilla yogurt, onken cherry yogurt, onken mango, papaya and passionfruit yogurt and onken fat free strawberry yogurt.
Onken Fruits
Onken's fruited big pot yogurts are mild, thick and creamy bursting with real fruit pieces. Our fat free range has all the creaminess of our other flavours just made with skimmed milk!
Onken strawberry wholegrain yogurt and onken fat free apricot wholegrain yogurt.
Onken Wholegrain
Onken’s unique wholegrain yogurts contain the perfect combination of yogurt, fruit and grains for a breakfast that supports a healthy balanced diet.
